Maintaining a proper frame has been an annoying hindrance for any partner or ballroom dancer, myself included. So, I went on a hunt to find tips that can help us remember to maintain a frame while dancing and I came across this.
In a way, it made a lot of sense for me, because remembering to stay in a frame was a hassle compared to being in the frame. And I'm about to share a few tips to act as reminders for yourself to stay in the frame while dancing. It works for me, but it may not for you. Hopefully it will still give a rough guidance on how you can help yourself remember to be in frame.
During the course of the day, you can consciously think to yourself to roll your shoulders back and get into your dance frame, even if you're not in dance class. Snap your fingers, scrunch your toes, tickle your knees,or do any other signal if you have to before snapping into frame. I find that these subtle signals will help me become aware of the position of my shoulders and I'll just snap back into frame.
Not only that, you can do some shoulder exercises so that you're more aware of where they are. Stretching my shoulder blades helped me prevent collapsing the frame. I'll leave it to you to find suitable exercises for that, as I don't want people injuring themselves because of this blog post :P The link itself also has an exercise anyway, but it's only for ladies/followers. It may be useful for leads in west coast swing too, especially if a follower has too much tension during the anchor it can easily break the lead's frame.